Sunday, October 10, 2010

Good, Old Flowers

1,000 Words Photography
Often in the South, we will use the phrase "Good ole...." when referring to well, just about anything. This post is about something that sounds similar, but is meant a bit different. The flowers to which I refer are called "Spider Lilies" unofficially. Apparently, they are a very old variety of the lily family that dates back to the 1850's. It is unsure of the origin of them here in Mississippi, but if you look around from the end of September to the middle of October, you are sure to see some of the reddish/pink spider-looking flowers popping out of a hillside.....the base of a tree...or just out in the middle of nowhere. Their most spectacular showing is when there is an entire bunch set all together. This vibrant color is sure to grab your eye against the rapidly-waning color of summer.

The fact that they are old will be very apparent when you try to purchase some. They will set you back about $10 for 3 bulbs. Only one flower comes up from each bulb. The good thing about these mysterious little flowers is that they reproduce quite rapidly. Because they are perinneals, you will see them year after year. The good part: there will be more and more each year, as the bulbs replicate and help out your original investment.

Go to your local nursery or just go ask your grandma for some, but definitely get some of these for your yard. It's just the good, old Fall Surprise your yard needs.

**To see more photos, visit my site:

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