Monday, January 12, 2009

Samsung BD-P1500 (Add-on)

I was telling of all of the shortfalls of the recent Samsung Blu-ray player purchase I made. Well, I just realized that one thing was left out.

It is very important to the movie-watching experience. I didn't realize until going back to watching DVDs on my Pioneer player that the sound is much better. It now seems like one of the things I left out when telling the shortfalls of the Samsung Blu-ray player is the lack of great quality sound. It's output was very sub-par. I had to turn my receiver up to volume 30 when watching a Blu-ray. This weekend, Rebecca and I watched some DVD's on the old player, and noticed that there was better clarity on the surround as well as other things...even at volume 15. That is significant.

Once again, wait out this technology. It is just not there yet. It may never catch up to some of the innovations that DVD's had, but let's hope it surpasses them all.....eventually.

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