Monday, January 26, 2009

In This New Year, I Am Resolute

I never really get into the whole "New Year's Resolution" thing, but rather I am constantly trying to improve myself. I am always working on things to better my life, as well as the people around me. I know I am really hard on myself. I get it mostly from my mother...who is terribly hard on herself, about everything. Guilt is built into some people more than others. She and I happen to be two of the people with it built in. Guilt can be good sometimes, if it drives you to be more than you otherwise would be.

Some of the things I have resolved to work on recently include: (Mind you, these are in no order of importance.)

1. Keeping the house picked-up
--too often, I just let clothes/dishes/papers stack up. It is really just me procrastinating to do all of that, but I am trying to work on that. I really want to have things "picked-up" when I go to bed. It makes me feel better.

2. Not delaying...doing it immediately.
--I guess this kind of ties in with the previous point, but it was worth mentioning as its own point after all. ha ha. I want to be one of those people that does something that needs to get done immediately. Then, I can sit back and relax for the duration of time left to accomplish the project, whatever it may be.

3. Be a better husband.
--This could be in so many ways. It is not that I treat Rebecca poorly, but I just constantly want to be better. What is something that I can do for her TODAY? What is something that will make her life easier? What are things I can do and say that would build her into a better person? How can I serve her? In what way can I earn even more respect from her?
--All of those questions run through my mind constantly. I want to really be the best husband I can to her. I want to surpass all of her expectations. I want her bragging to her family and friends. I am sure it will be an endless pursuit, for I am not a perfect husband (not yet, anyway). I will continue to strive for that though.

4. Read more: In general and more specifically, the Bible.
--I have to admit-I don't like to read the Bible. It is kind of like trying to swim through a lake of Jello. It is just too thick sometimes. I have to do better though. Also, I just want to be a well-read person. I want to have tons of knowledge from reading Pop.

5. Getting more consistent sleep
--I don't know that this one will ever happen. I seem to be able to stay in this two day cycle. I can stay up late because I am just wired one night. Then, the next day, I am worn out and I have to get to bed at a decent hour. On those days, I cannot seem to get enough sleep. Then, another one of the hyper nights comes, and I stay up late. I don't really know what it is, but I will try to work on it a little bit. I want to try to be in bed more consistently at about 10:00, so that Rebecca and I don't struggle to get up (as much) in the mornings. It makes for a tough day for her when she starts the day out in a rush. Just puts kind of a damper on the morning.

Well, there it is.

**Oh, and credit must go to Andrea over at "Just Sayin'" for this idea.
--Check out her blog too:

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Thanks for "shout out" Bruce! ha ha. I like your resolutions!!! Very good indeed. Don't be so hard on yourself. You do quite well, and I like your picture.