Monday, December 10, 2012

Stockings For Four


A few years ago, before we had any kids, my wife wanted to pick out some material to custom make some stockings for the fireplace at Christmastime. I objected, as I do to most things, but then succumbed to the pressure.

She went to Hancock's and picked out what she described as "the perfect material for the stockings." Over the next few weekends, she and my mom worked on laying the stocking patterns out, measuring and cutting everything out, and finally sewing them together. They had a decent amount of material left over so my wife had the idea of just making a few extra stockings. I guess she figured, "You never know."

I made a very public joke about them making six stockings at the time. Remember, we didn't even have one child then. I said, "Are you trying to tell me something," all the while, being a bit more freaked out than I let on.

Skip ahead to now. This is what our mantle looks like during Christmastime. It is festive, not to mention it has four stockings already. I don't know that we want (or can afford) four kids, but it doesn't seem as far fetched as I ever thought, back those years ago. 

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