Sunday, February 12, 2012

Duck Camp

Yesterday, I got to travel to Lake Albermarle to help a friend out with repairing their duck camp. The floods that happened recently, still reached more than six feet into the cabin, despite being about 30 feet up in the air. The water was overflow from the Mississippi River and stretched from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to Canada.

There was no avoiding it, so they are just dealing with it the best that they can. They are rebuilding, but keeping many of the special touches that the old cabin had or that the area had. Some of the chains holding these lights up were originally from an old Mississippi River paddleboat. Also, the blocks of wood on the lights were from a mantle in a turn-of-the-century house(last century). Some of those touches are making this place just as special to them as it ever was.

 I hope to visit again soon...the views of nature from there are amazing!


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