Saturday, June 25, 2011

Total Excitement

What an exciting day we had. We went over to my sister's house to help celebrate her son's 5th birthday. He decided he wanted to have a huge blow-up water slide to play on for his birthday. That is precisely what he got. Many kids went down this thing in the few hours we were there. Then, they began to leave. It was about time too, because Alan was chomping at the bit to get in the water. We started out by getting acclimated with the small pool. Then, gradually made our way over to the slide. It was quite a booger climbing up that thing with a 25 pounder in my arms, but we managed. I was wondering what he would think of it at first, but the squeals of joy were a pretty good indication that he approved. After a few more times down the slide, we just played in the pool at the bottom of the slide. Such fun to see those smiles. Happy Birthday, Isaac!


Bruce A. Ulrich
1,000 Words Photography
Sent from my iPad

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