Sunday, May 29, 2011

Color Finally

Our bougainvillea finally has some color on it. These interesting little plants are known for their pinks, purples and yellow. However, the reason they're so interesting is that it is not the flower of the plant that provides the is the leaves. After many green leaves come out, finally some colored ones, in this case pink, to liven up the scene. We were not sure if ours would do it this year because this was a hold-over plant from last year. We kept it alive in the garage during the winter. It appears that they just take longer to "bloom" when they're not given the greenhouse treatment from the nursery.


Bruce A. Ulrich
1,000 Words Photography
Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Once, Always

You hear the saying "Once a mother, always a mother," often enough in everyday life. It is one of those chides that only has meaning to those of us who are parents. For me, this has not been long. Therefore, until recently, I never truly knew what that meant. Now, I do. As I stood in our friend's house, watching my wife hold their new little baby, it hit me...Once a mother, always a mother. My wife held that baby and her face just had that, "I'll do whatever I can to take care of you, Little One," look to it. I love catching glimpses like is. They are such a treat.


Bruce A. Ulrich
1,000 Words Photography
Sent from my iPad

Monday, May 16, 2011

The World Before Me

Recently, my son began to crawl like this. All of the sudden, he would just get up on his hands and feet and he'd lumber along. He's gotten quite fast at it, in just a matter of days. I am just a little bit scared because I know the next logical step from here is for him to just let go with his hands and full-out walk. Yikes!

I don't think I'm ready for that.


Bruce A. Ulrich
1,000 Words Photography
Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Loneliness & Solitude

Often, we think about loneliness as being a bad thing. At times, there is no other way to see it, but I'm here to tell you that there are other ways to look at loneliness. Solitude occurs in most of our lives, probably at many points in our lives. This is not necessarily a reason to be glum. Rather, think about this morning glory flower. It stands there, blooming its little heart out, and for what? No other flowers are around to socialize with. Nobody else is around for it to talk to. Think of this's the prettiest thing around by far. Nothing else nearby even comes close to the beauty of this little flower...even in its loneliness and solitude.


Bruce A. Ulrich
1,000 Words Photography
Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Do you admire someone so much that even just being near them seems like a treat to you? How about if they ever gave you anything...would you treasure it, just because of the kind of person they are?

My son admires me dearly. I definitely don't take this for granted, because I really want him to continue admiring me throughout his life. I want to be the kind of person and dad that he CAN admire, as well as one that he WANTS to admire. What does this entail? It might be as simple as him always knowing how much I love him, just by my spoken word. It might be as simple as a meaningful tough or hug. Maybe even teaching him things that he will remember for the rest of his life? I plan on doing all of that...and more. Are you somebody that people admire? What can you do to become that person?


Bruce A. Ulrich
1,000 Words Photography
Sent from my iPad