When Rebecca and I got up this morning, we heard the trickle of rain that we had heard all day previously, as well as all throughout the night. As Rebecca was leaving, we were checking to see if her school would be closed today, due to the impending snow storm coming later that morning. It was not, so off she went.
I was doing some things around the house when I realized that I didn't hear the rain falling for the first time in about two days. I went to the back door to look out the window, and what did I see? Much to my surprise, and chagrin because of the blog post I wrote last night, snow was falling at an impressive rate, for Mississippi.
In just a matter of about five minutes, the back yard was getting a faint white sheet of the powdery precipitation. I found myself kind of giddy, like a school kid. I have always liked playing in the snow, and like it no less now that I am an adult. Let's face it, it is just fun. I know, you get messy, and cold, but I love it. Well, I didn't really have anyone around to play with, and I was about to get ready for work. I did not go out in it...well, almost.
I went out to capture a few photos, as is my reflex. Then, I realized that the faucets outside had never been covered back since summer. I had to climb into the attic and get the covers, and then go out in the snowing mess, not to play, but to work. This was the pits. Suddenly, the thing that I was looking forward to having fun with, had become a task. It was miserably cold out, and I was unbelievably grateful for the hot shower afterward.
The condition of the Winter Storm changed at least three different times, and into three different states, on my way to work. First, there was light and fluffy snow, falling all around and on the car. Then, as I approached the Reservoir, it turned to slushy rain. Finally, as I was almost to work, sleet began to fall. This made for the worst conditions, as was proven by my sliding sideways at a couple of intersections.
All morning at work, there was talk of letting us all go home. I jokingly said that it would take The Powers That Be too long to decide, and by the time they did decide, if they would at all, it would be too late. The snow would all be gone, and the reason for leaving work early would be gone as well.
Well, that is twice I have been wrong about things related to the weather. It was announced at about 1:00, that we would be leaving at 2:00. They said the bank would be closing, and we could all go home then. I didn't argue, but rather worked diligently to get the stuff done that I was working on, so that I was ready to hit the door precisely at 2:00.
As far as the retraction, I must say that I never saw this coming. I am skeptical about a lot of stuff, but I really didn't think it was going to snow today. I have seen Mississippi Winter look like this so many times, and then just fizzle to nothing. This time, however, it was not so. Therefore, Mother Nature, I am truly sorry. Thank you for reminding me that, even when we are so sure about something, life seems to find a way to prove us wrong...time and time again.
1 comment:
Sorry for the repost. Rebecca found a couple of grammatical errors that I corrected.
Thanks for stopping by!
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