Thursday, April 14, 2011

He's Fallen, We're Free

Today, I got to take part in something that was quite special. It's not that I really liked the occasion for which we were all gathering, but more the honor that I'm sure it heaped on this person's family and comrades.

At 2:00 today, hundreds of people in Brandon and Pearl, lined the sides of Highway 80 for quite a few miles. This was not for something fun or a parade, but rather the homecoming of a fallen Marine and Brandon native, Jason Rogers. As we all waited with bated breath, American flags in hand, phones at the ready for photos, emotions ran high. Many hands swiped across salty cheeks, wiping away tears of sadness and pride. Sadness was a present emotion because this young man of 27 had sacrificed his life so that we all had the freedom to even gather in the street. Sadness that his family will experience for years to come due to the loss of this brave American. Sadness that there was even the occasion that we needed to gather in the street like this. At the same time though, pride was rampant among the attendees. Pride in the fact that such great respect was offered to the dead...with such pomp and circumstance it would flatter a king. Pride that welled up inside of each of us, as we stood there, looking around at all of the other proud Americans. Pride because of the simple fact that men like this kept our country free. The patriotism was unabashed. It was laid upon that stretch of highway, the whole route of this procession...welcoming home a great citizen...a great soldier...a great American.


Bruce A. Ulrich
1,000 Words Photography
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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Trust Issues

We all have trust issues, at some level. Some of us don't trust anyone (I'd probably fall into this category...just a skeptical person) while some of us trust just about everyone. The lesson to be learned is from our young. They just trust. My son, for instance, shows that he totally trusts us everyday. When we are holding him, he has complete trust that we will not drop him. He doesn't even worry about it. When he's tired, he trusts us to care for him when he falls asleep. He will just pass out in our arms and not have a care in the world. Do you have people you can trust in your life? We all have those kinds of people around's often just a matter of finding who they are. Now, the more important question, can you let your defenses down and actually trust them? Find that person or people that you can do this with and give it a try. It can lift the weight of the world off of you.


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