Sunday, February 27, 2011

View Through Tears

Your gut steered you right. You got to see him and tell him that you loved him. You were able to hold his hand and let him know that his great grandson likes oatmeal...just like he does. You know that made him smile, even if you could not see a smile. You know his heart leapt with joy at the mention of these words. What an honorable thing to be known as...a family man. To be known for the things you did for your family. To be known for the love that you showed them. For that, so man people were touched. During this time, specifically because of your family man mentality, so many are saddened of recent events. More time is given to some than others, so we must capitalize on the time we have before us. And so, as a cold tear splashes down from your cheek upon the man below, you whisper, "I love you, Papaw." A long kiss on the cheek. A long squeeze of the hand.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Day in the Sun

Last weekend (weekend before two days ago) was one of the first times since the winter that we were able to just sit outside and enjoy the warmth of the sun.
It was nice to just watch the kids play while we sat around and talked. We would walk around my parents' property, looking at flowers that were about to bloom and talking about the coming spring.
The anticipation was on everyone's lips.

Monday, February 21, 2011

All of the Sudden

All of the sudden, we have somewhat of a "Back-sleeper" on our hands.
From the time he was two weeks old, Alan has liked to sleep on his stomach pretty much all of the time. Well, he is liking that he flips himself over recently, and then he either cannot flip himself back over to his stomach or he is just too lazy to do it. Either way, you end up with this: (sorry for the poor quality photo)

On the Mend

Glad to see that the little guy seems to be on the mend. He was really out of energy for a couple of days there and it was scary. He has been up and about...just playing and smiling as usual.
Does my heart good.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Simple Pleasures...Forgotten

I know I tend to get really busy with just a lot of stupid stuff in life. I forget to look around and find something simple that can bring me pleasure or to remember something from my past that brought some smiles to my face.
I would classify the good old fashioned swing as one of those things.
Cave-mannishly simple, but yet, hours of fun...the swing has been used for generations uncountable.
My son was recently enjoying a swing ride....and given his response, will be enjoying many more to come.
This particular swing is way too small for me to use, but I need to find an appropriately sized one so that I can join in on the fun.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Enjoying the Day

As these spring days become more & more frequent...I become more & more anxious for spring to actually be here. Not much longer now.

Have you found something beautiful to make you smile today?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Will You Be My 7-Year-Valentine?

Seven years ago today, I asked my now wife out on our first date. We had seen each other in kind of a group setting a few times, and really got along. I liked her enough to ask her out, so that's exactly what....well, that's not exactly how it happened.

I was actually pretty sure that she would go out with me, because of the vibe we had going the past couple of times we hung out. I was already at the florist, Green Floral, buying her some preemptive flowers for that night....of which I didn't know she would say yes....definitely. This takes a funny turn from here though. As I'm trying to figure out what to say to her and when to call her, my phone rings. It was her. I picked it up and we chatted for a bit, all the while, I'm in the flower shop still. She all but asked me out...but let me "technically" ask her out...I guess for my ego. I picked her up at the house she was staying at the time. It was over in Eastgate, and not too far from my parents' house, at which I was living currently. (had been forced to move back home when some roommates kind of backed out on living arrangements at the last minute, leaving me no choice. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, but I was really not ready to be back in their house again.)

I had a whole evening planned. We were going to go to a play at Hinds Community College in Raymond. First, we stopped at Margaritas in Clinton for dinner. As we are trying to find a parking spot in the busy lot, we were just chatting. We finally found a spot and started to walk to the front door....where there was a man...waiting for me. Apparently, I had angered him by going around him in the parking lot (he was sitting still with his blinker on...I moved on). He said, "You got a problem?" I just merely replied, "Nope," and we proceeded into the restaurant. I can have a bit of a hot temper, so at that very moment, I was quite proud of myself. We went on to the play after a nice dinner. It was interpretation of The Princess and the Pea called, Once Upon a Mattress. We enjoyed ourselves, as was usually the case when out together...even in the group that we hung out with. Overall, it was a good night...and a memorable one. I did not kiss her purposefully, because I had told myself that I was not going to even try to kiss her on the first date. I was not going to be that guy. Come to find out, she wanted me too, and was wondering why I didn't. It just goes to show you, you just really cannot second guess what a woman is thinking.

We've been together every since, and loving every (well, just about every) minute of it!

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Good Spirits

Even though he's teething and has a slight fever right now, I think he's enjoying the spring day swing. Here are a couple of videos to show him really enjoying his swing:

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Enjoying the Sunlight

We are sitting outside, enjoying the sunlight. It has been bitterly cold most days this winter, even by Mississippi's standards. I don't hate this one bit...I don't hate the winter, but I am definitely ready for the spring. I love the spring and all of the new, blooming plants that come with it.

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